
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Featur RouterOS

Protokol TCP/IP:

* Firewall and NAT - stateful packet filtering; Peer-to-Peer protocol filtering; source and destination NAT; classification by source MAC, IP addresses, ports, protocols, protocol options, interfaces, internal marks, content, matching frequency
* Routing - Static routing; Equal cost multi-path routing; Policy based routing (classification by source and destination addresses and/or by firewall mark); RIP v1 / v2, OSPF v2, BGP v4
* Data Rate Management - per IP / protocol / subnet / port / firewall mark; HTB, PCQ, RED, SFQ, byte limited queue, packet limited queue; hierarchical limitation, CIR, MIR, contention ratios, dynamic client rate equalizing (PCQ)
* HotSpot - HotSpot Gateway with RADIUS authentication/accounting; data rate limitation; traffic quota; real-time status information; walled-garden; customized HTML login pages; iPass support; SSL secure authentication
* Point-to-Point tunneling protocols - PPTP, PPPoE and L2TP Access Concentrators and clients; PAP, CHAP, MSCHAPv1 and MSCHAPv2 authentication protocols; RADIUS authentication and accounting; MPPE encryption; compression for PPPoE; data rate limitation; PPPoE dial on demand
* Simple tunnels - IPIP tunnels, EoIP (Ethernet over IP)
* IPsec - IP security AH and ESP protocols; Diffie-Hellman groups 1,2,5; MD5 and SHA1 hashing algorithms; DES, 3DES, AES-128, AES-192, AES-256 encryption algorithms; Perfect Forwarding Secresy (PFS) groups 1,2,5
* Web proxy - FTP, HTTP and HTTPS caching proxy server; transparent HTTP caching proxy; SOCKS protocol support; support for caching on a separate drive; access control lists; caching lists; parent proxy support
* Caching DNS client - name resolving for local use; Dynamic DNS Client; local DNS cache with static entries
* DHCP - DHCP server per interface; DHCP relay; DHCP client; multiple DHCP networks; static and dynamic DHCP leases
* Universal Client - Transparent address translation not depending on the client's setup
* VRRP - VRRP protocol for high availability
* UPnP - Universal Plug-and-Play support
* NTP - Network Time Protocol server and client; synchronization with GPS system
* Monitoring/Accounting - IP traffic accounting, firewall actions logging
* SNMP - read-only access
* M3P - MikroTik Packet Packer Protocol for Wireless links and Ethernet
* MNDP - MikroTik Neighbor Discovery Protocol; also supports Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP)
* Tools - ping; traceroute; bandwidth test; ping flood; telnet; SSH; packet sniffer selengkapnya...